Things they don’t tell about marriages (India)

Butterfly on a flower

Things they don’t tell about marriages, especially in a country like India, where marriages are a big deal of time, pomp, custom and gathering. They might tell you, but you might be in a different mode of life altogether so it just slips by. Here are few things that particularly happens in a marriage setup like in India. You must read – Mutual Funds are subject to market risk, please read the document carefully before investing.

Thus is the case with marriage, you must think before making a life time commitment. Here are few glimpses :

Life is not same anymore !

Your food habits and timings, now entirely depend on a new family(if you are a girl) and you ought to arrange yourself to the lifestyle of your in-laws. You have to remember to inform your spouse about your whereabouts and missing the food at home, in case of any(if you are a boy).

In a normal arranged marriage, the girl goes to live with the boy’s family (which eventually becomes her own) which sometimes is a joint family with around 20+ members under the same roof. In such marriage, life is eventful if you look at it one way, the cheerful way. However if you are going through one such life, then you would say, at least in the first couple of years, it’s stressful, upaetting, frustrating and tiring. You might cry under a pillow some nights. It’s the fight of the authorities. It’s about being right and choosing not to be quite. It’s about letting someone know they are being unnecessarily strict and dominating.

It’s about living in a world where you cannot hurt someone, you shouldn’t hurt someone and at the same time you choose not to get hurt yourself.

If you are a man, you are grinding in between the world of your Mom and your wife. You have to choose sides. For every event that happens, you need to find a way that makes each party happy. You have to console each one. You have to make sure you don’t hurt any. You are under the classic dilemma of choosing the left eye or right eye. You want both of them and you want both of them together, but given the conditions of life and thought processes, they tend to go against each other in many of the life views and decisions.

You cannot spend without being considerate. You cannot do something that you have been doing all your life, because that’s not what a married man does. You have a lady who doesn’t like it.

You were having a great time at your home and now that you move to your new home, you have to make sure you lock all the doors at night. You have to check the milk is at the door early morning. You need to check if there are any to be spoiled items in the refrigerator. You were sleeping until late, when your Mom would serve your special coffee on your table beside the bed. Now you have to get up before the world is up and keep the hot coffee ready to be served.

It might seem too much to take at first and it might seem a huge task before you even start. But there is always something going on amidst all the hurdles and hustles of life. You know you have someone to look after and that someone will look after you.

It is all in your attitude to get the best of life and so with the marriage. You need to be accepting people the way they are. You must accept your mother in-law as your own mother. You must accept your daughter in-law as your own daughter. You must know life has changed with time and now is the time when women work tirelessly at job, so she might not be able to cook daily at home. You must also understand that you may have learnt to build skyscrapers but your world is your family and that family has a old lady who has worked all her life to give you the man, you consider to be the best in world. Respect her and love her for such a beautiful gift. When times are right laugh loud together and when times are tough, shred your tears together. You have her shoulder and she has yours. You both have his shoulder, who never wants to see you both cry. What is marriage afterall if not about being together.

28 thoughts on “Things they don’t tell about marriages (India)

    • May be.
      If each one tried to made their marriage a successful story in their own way, eventually it will all be cool.

      It’s about togetherness and respect more than anything else.


  1. Yes the life of a married girl may get overwhelming in a new world esplly if the husband isn’t able to balance is what I understand. you have brought both parts out very well. I wish there were more people like yourself then the life of each girl moving to a new house would be seamless and happy 🙂 Nice Post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well I intend to make an impact with my blogs. After a lot of acute observations all these years in the lifes of people around me and thinking from both perspectives this is what I understand. That people are good and no one wants to have a frictionful fighting life. But somehow the events push them to do it. Here in my post I wish to show perspective to the readers.

      Hope it helps. Thanks for your appreciation. 🙂


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