A Still Mind

When you sit in the corner of your home, where you lived your entire life, you know in the bottom of your heart, this is where you will find answers to all your questions in life, because this place understands you.

When you sit in the garden in the backyard and listen to the chirping of the bird and the hustle of the leaves when the wind blows slowly above your head in the evening and in distant sky you see the Sun blazing orange red, you know nature is your caretaker and you are the seeker.

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When you place your head in the lap of your mother and she taps your head, talking to you about the old days when you used to pee in your pants, how you used to enjoy the delicacies on a rainy day after school, how muddy and dusty you would return after play in the evening and how you slept with a smile on your face. You know nothing ever could be more pacifying than a mother’s lap.

There are certain things in life, which are very common, yet we do not appreciate the being of those things. A small bird that comes to your window every morning, could be the reason you had a awesome childhood. A poor blind man on the street, who wished you in his prayers would be reason for your beauty. Sometimes we don’t even realize how someone impacts our life in a way we never knew.

a still mind

Today, when you see a face in the mirror, remember that face should always be smiling and your smile can do wonders you might not even know.

Smile and I smile along you 🙂

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